Thursday, March 31, 2011

Software Update 4.3.1

There is a software update for the iPad, 4.3.1, which is in conjuction with the release of the iPad 2. In order to update your iPads, it is quite a process, you must plug them in like you normally would to sync them. The kicker is that you can only update one iPad's software at a time, each update takes 5-7 minutes per iPad times 30 iPads = a lot of time! One thing I found helpful when doing this is to only plug in one iPad at a time. When I sync iPads i plug 7 in at a time using an adaptor. Since you can only update one at a time, there is no need to plug in more than this, if you do it just gets confusing, you don't know which ones have been updated. The update should: Fix graphics glitch Resolve bugs when connecting to a network Fixes image flicker when connecting using AV adaptor Resolve authenticating with some web services Although none of this means much to me, I am sure they will make the iPad run smoother, and I am updating all of mine, even though it is taking a little bit of time:)

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