So as I promised, here are a list of the Top Ten Apps for our uses. Some are subject specific and some are reference tools.
Idea Sketch
A mindmapping tool. You can email final products to yourself for viewing and printing. A great way to organize your thoughts for any assignment.

A mindmapping tool. You can email final products to yourself for viewing and printing. A great way to organize your thoughts for any assignment.
Google Earth

The Constitution for iPad
We use this in debate for researching Supreme Court cases as well as in Government.
Lit Charts: To Kill a Mockingbird
These are great and available for many other books as well. Provides themes, summaries, character sketches, entire book by chapter, and lots of other things all in one place.
Collins Math: Algebra
Provides an overview of every topic covered in Algebra I. Includes practice problems, video solutions and tutorials, as well as step by step instructions.
Shakespeare in Bits: Romeo in Juliet
Also available in other Shakespeare plays. My absolute favorite!!! Provides entire text, modern translation, video of the play, one tap conversion of phrases to modern english, themes, quotes, summaries, and lots more!


Provides easy access to all the Google applications you use daily, such as Google searches, Docs, Blogger, Reader, etc
Access My School Library

Just like the website only the app version. Make great, professional looking movies from your iPad anytime for free, just login to your account.
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