Monday, February 7, 2011

World Math Day 2011 App

I am always looking for ways to collaborate with the math department, so when I found this app it was a no brainer. World Maths Day is where you compete against students from all over the world on math problems. Last year we tried to participate, but the server go bogged down and the computers were running too slow, the kids could not get anything to work. We hope that does not happen this year. Kids can get on and practice the problems up until the March 1st start date. On March 1st is when they compete against other students. There are prizes for students who do really well, but that is not the goal of the day, it is just a day to recognize math and its importance all around the world.
I asked all the math teachers if they would be interested in participating. We are so far behind because of snow days, they did not feel like they had the time to spare with their Algebra or Geometry classes, but they wanted to do it with their remedial classes. So I set up an account for our school and loaded their students from their Math Fundamentals classes. I loaded the app on the iPad. I printed out passwords for each student and we should be ready to go. It should be fun for these kids. They are not math lovers, so hopefully they will find this activity more enjoyable than some of the others they will do.
The app that I downloaded was in the practice stage, I will have to update it the day before March 1, so that it will be the actual login version. Every Wednesday we have shortened periods, so the Math Fundamentals classes are going to come in and practice with the App, and then on March 1, they will get to participate in World Maths Day!

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