Monday, February 28, 2011

Draw Cast Activity

So, my art teacher was looking for an activity to use the iPads with his students. He is beginning contour drawing. He took an iPad home every night for the last week looking for a way to do this. He came up with, what I think, is an awesome activity!

Contour drawing is focusing on the lines in an object and drawing from that. The idea is that you can draw the object with one line, without picking up your pencil. As an intro activity to this he took a picture of a shoe and a hand.

In this program you can choose an image to be your background. The students go in and set the first picture to their background. They then choose their writing ustensil, its thickness and color, and begin to trace around the picture. They are only to draw the lines that they are seeing.

Here is an example:

You then take away the background and you should be left with a great contour drawing of a shoe.

For example (not sure how great it is!)

I thought this was really cool (I can't draw at all, but it really looks like a shoe!)
Students email their pictures to the teacher and that is their grade for the day.

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