Monday, January 31, 2011

Teacher Input

Last Wednesday during PLC time, teachers were invited to use the iPads in order to find out what they would do and what other apps they might want. I was teaching a class, so I created documents for them to go through together as a subject area and provide me feedback. The first sheet gave them directions.
They were to explore the apps in their folder and write down any that they wanted removed.
Next they went to the App store and looked for apps that would apply to their subject area. They had a 3 column piece of paper to fill out and get back to me; apps they wanted (for sure), apps they might want, and apps they wanted removed. If the app cost, they were also to include that on this page. Last they were to write down any questions they had about the iPad and/or apps.

So far...
I have not got a lot of response. This was initiated 20 minutes before PLC time was over, so they did not have enough time to get through this activity. I think I am going to have to have a meeting after school where I can be there to help get this rolling. I want and NEED their input.

I did get a lot of positive feedback, that they really liked the iPads and thought the kids would to. They all want to use them in their calsses.

When we get back on a regular schedule (snow days aaargh:) I will have an opportunity to sit down with each department and really take a look at how we can integrate them into their particular curriculum.

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