Friday, January 21, we were able to reschedule the Science class I was working with to use the Molecules App. This went really well, students were excited about the app, and some even talked about getting it on there phone or iPod Touch. I liked this lesson because it encouraged students not only to use the app, but to use the other website to draw and find out information about the molecules they had chosen. The app provided a 3-D version where you could count the atoms in each molecule to make up the chemical formula. Where using the 2-D picture you were not able to count all the atoms, because some were hiding behind others. It also challenged students to draw in 3-D. They seemed to really enjoy the activity, and found it more difficult then they thought. They were required to pick 5 molecules, draw them, label the atoms, predict the chemical formula for the molecule, and create a key for their drawings. We also showed them the old fashioned way of doing things using a chemistry kit and book to make the models. They thought the way we were doing it was much better!
Mondays Plan- Using Romeo and Juliet in Bits App and website No Fear Shakespeare with an English I class.
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