Monday, January 31, 2011
Teacher Input
They were to explore the apps in their folder and write down any that they wanted removed.
Next they went to the App store and looked for apps that would apply to their subject area. They had a 3 column piece of paper to fill out and get back to me; apps they wanted (for sure), apps they might want, and apps they wanted removed. If the app cost, they were also to include that on this page. Last they were to write down any questions they had about the iPad and/or apps.
So far...
I have not got a lot of response. This was initiated 20 minutes before PLC time was over, so they did not have enough time to get through this activity. I think I am going to have to have a meeting after school where I can be there to help get this rolling. I want and NEED their input.
I did get a lot of positive feedback, that they really liked the iPads and thought the kids would to. They all want to use them in their calsses.
When we get back on a regular schedule (snow days aaargh:) I will have an opportunity to sit down with each department and really take a look at how we can integrate them into their particular curriculum.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Awesome New App for Geography!

We created a worksheet for students to fill out while they are exploring this program, choosing areas to compare and different maps to look at. It is a pretty self directed activity in that they can choose the locales they want to focus on, they just have to record some of the information they find for accountability.
Identify regions/cities in the US with a large population density...Mark them on your map with squares
Why are certain regions of the US more populated than others? Explain.
What part of the US are infant mortality rates high? Mark them on your map with circles.
We then had them do the same on maps of Europe, and Africa.
Then they described similarities and differences between the US and the other country they were looking at.
The students loved this! They like looking at data and comparing it. They also want to find out why things are the way they are.
Overall this activity went really well! I think it has been one of the best yet!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
More New Apps

FormulasHD - Find any mathematical formula. Search by subject, then topic.

Video Science - View short videos of many different science experiments

Chopping Mania - Fun for culinary arts or "foods" classes. Practice your chopping skills using your finger as th blade!

Monday, January 24, 2011
Shakespeare in Bits App
This is an app we are definitely looking into purchasing the problem is the cost is $14.99 per iPad x 30. You can do the math, but it is a pretty penny. We are currently discussing whether this is something that would be worth it down the road??? I will let you know what we decide!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Molecules App
Mondays Plan- Using Romeo and Juliet in Bits App and website No Fear Shakespeare with an English I class.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
First day of use in the classrooms!
Plans for next week:
The molecules app with Science Classes
Shakespeare in bits in English Classes
Research using the Ipads reference apps
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Free Apps Downloaded
Dragon Dictate - Speak into the microphone and your words will appear in text on the screen.

Foreign Language

Monday, January 17, 2011
Excited for Tomorrow - Lesson with Molecules App
Thursday, January 13, 2011
- They are super easy to use and manipulate
- I have already found lots of FREE apps that are going to be useful for all different subject areas.
- The apps can be easily organized into folders by subject area.
- Easy to plug in and charge
- Because there is no "official" cart for the iPad we are using an iBook cart. While this allows for easy charging and safe storage, there is no way to sync more than 2 iPads at a time. This is VERY time consuming. Our tech people are working with Apple to try to remedy this, but so far no dice:(
So while the Pros outweigh the cons, it is still going to be a learning process to figure out an easier way to sync.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Grant
The grant was through our local educational foundation, so there was a monetary limit we could recieve which was $5,000. We decided to go ahead and ask for 10 to test them out, if they were successful we would look to building funds to add to them.
As I was writing the grant, I conducted a lot of research in how other schools were using iPads in the classroom, but most of all, looking through the educational apps that were offered. I was amazed at the number of apps that would be useful and exciting for students to use (and a number of these were even free!)
About a week before the grants were going to be announced, I was asked to meet with the foundation board to demonstrate some of the specific apps we would be using and to explain more thoroughly how we were going to use the iPads. I saw this as a good sign, that they were definitely considering funding the grant.
During this meeting/presentation to the board I used an iPad that was owned by one of the board members and showed some some of the apps that I had researched when writing the grant. I also just explained that we wanted the iPads to enrich what we were already doing, as a way to keep the students engaged in learning.
That Friday the foundation committee came to the Freshman Center out in front of the students in the commons, and presented us with the grant we had requested. They then preceeded to tell us they went ahead and funded another 10 iPads for our building. The Superintendant then stepped in and said that the district had decided to complete our set and provide 10 more iPads, a cart, and an iBook to sync them with!
This is where it all begins, that was the day before Thanksgiving break. Our iPads are in and being finalized at the tech office, and we should have them in our building by January 10th. I don't know who is more excited the kids, teachers, or myself. Everyday since the grant was awarded someone (mostly students) would ask, are we really getting iPads, that is so cool.
I have set up this blog to share with you our triumphs and tribulations while integrating the iPads into our daily curriculum here at the Belton High School Freshman Center.